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About Us

We are Cyclists. We’re a pretty varied collection of personalities but we all share the fundamental belief that cycling is central to a healthy sustainable future. So although we use our bikes in different ways — weekend rides with our kids, triathlons, BMX competitions, or every day commuting to work — we all share the same love of cycling.

We are Diverse. In the age of the Internet and open borders, people and ideas are co-mingling with stunning speed. Our company, a reflection of this diverse new world, is a richly chaotic crash of different ethnicities, nationalities, and cultural backgrounds, that ensures that our point of view is seasoned by many different kinds of eyes and our product, tested in all kinds of conditions. We have team members throughout the world, in offices in Taipei, Taiwan; Los Angeles, California; Humboldt, California; London, England; Turku, Finland; Stuttgart, Germany; Shanghai, China; and Schaffhausen, Switzerland — just about every time zone. Twenty-four hours a day, in some part of the world, we are designing, testing, and riding our product.

We are Environmentally-minded. A commitment to sustainability is central to who we are. It starts with the product we make — bicycles — which are the ultimate high efficiency vehicle. It also extends to how we make our products — made from quality materials and designed to be serviceable rather than land-fillable. And we are constantly searching for ways to reduce our impact, like minimizing packaging, specifying recycled cardboard, and reducing use of harmful chemicals like chromium. It also extends to how we all get to work — 15% of us now get to work by bike or walking; 75% of us take bus, train or scooter; and only 10% of us drive to work. But we can still do a lot better, and that’s something we’ll be working on.

We are Committed to improving things. We give at least 1% of our profits, every year, to environmental or social causes. We all want to live in a world with clean water, clean air, and safe food. But with things going the way they are, it’s getting harder and harder. We need to work to protect our planet and we need to support the individuals and groups that are bearing the brunt of that responsibility.

We are Tern.