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Tern Valo Direct with 150 lumens
Tern Valo Direct with 150 lumens
Tern Valo Direct works with all power banks.
Tern Valo Direct works with all power banks.
Tern Valo Direct - Clarity™ optics with 150 lumens for a bright, 41 lux beam of light
Tern Valo Direct - Clarity™ optics with 150 lumens for a bright, 41 lux beam of light
 Tern Valo Direct - Wide, even beam pattern provides side-of-the-road visibility
 Tern Valo Direct - Wide, even beam pattern provides side-of-the-road visibility
Tern Valo Direct with 150 lumens
Tern Valo Direct with 150 lumens
Valo Direct
Valo Direct
Valo Direct
Valo Direct
Tern Valo Direct with 150 lumens
Tern Valo Direct works with all power banks.
Tern Valo Direct - Clarity™ optics with 150 lumens for a bright, 41 lux beam of light
 Tern Valo Direct - Wide, even beam pattern provides side-of-the-road visibility
Tern Valo Direct with 150 lumens

Valo Direct

Immediate Illumination

Tax included.
Tern Valo Direct with 150 lumens
Tern Valo Direct works with all power banks.
Tern Valo Direct - Clarity™ optics with 150 lumens for a bright, 41 lux beam of light
 Tern Valo Direct - Wide, even beam pattern provides side-of-the-road visibility
Tern Valo Direct with 150 lumens
Valo Direct
Valo Direct
Tern Valo Direct with 150 lumens
Tern Valo Direct works with all power banks.
Tern Valo Direct - Clarity™ optics with 150 lumens for a bright, 41 lux beam of light
 Tern Valo Direct - Wide, even beam pattern provides side-of-the-road visibility
Tern Valo Direct with 150 lumens

Valo Direct

Immediate Illumination

Tax included.
  • Clarity™ optics with 190 lumens for a bright, 48 lux beam of light
  • Wide, even beam pattern provides side-of-the-road visibility
  • Zero drag for riders who want Valo lighting without the resistance and weight of a dynamo
  • Patented CryoCore® cooling design uses the handlebar as a heat sink for bright and efficient output
  • Nestled in the cockpit for theft-proof peace of mind
  • Works with all power banks, which can be stored handily in the Tern RidePocket 
  • Complies with German StVZO K-Mark certification
  • Compatible with Bosch Smart System (BES3), Bosch eBike System 2 (BES2) and other compatible bike models

Our 48 lux, 190 lumen Valo Direct lights up your ride without adding the drag or weight of a dynamo. It’s engineered to sit inside our Andros or VRO-47 stems, where it’s safe from knocks, bumps, and theft. That means it’s protected while folding, and optimally positioned to give you the most light. The Valo Direct boasts the same game-changing optics as the Valo Light, but it’s battery powered. That means setup is a breeze—just plug-and-play with any standard power bank for nighttime visibility.

Color(s) Black
Dimensions 77 × 60 × 63 mm (3” x 2.4” x 2.5”)
Weight 0.074 kg (0.2 lb)
Load Capacity n/a
Volume Capacity n/a
Compatible Bikes Compatibility Checker
Compatible Items Andros Stem
Kinetix Pro Handlebar
Kinetix Pro X Handlebar
Physis 3D T-Bar Handlepost
Syntace VRO 47 Stem
Ride Pocket
Material ABS