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Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost

Telescopic Seatpost

Longer Seatpost. Smaller Fold.

Tax included.
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost
Telescopic Seatpost

Telescopic Seatpost

Longer Seatpost. Smaller Fold.

Tax included.

Telescopic Seatpost 33.9 : 

  • Reduces folded bike size and offers a better fit for shorter and taller riders
  • Up to 120-140 mm shorter retracted length, compared to the stock post
  • Up to 30-90 mm longer extended length, compared to the stock post
  • Compatible with 33.9 mm seat tubes
  • Dual bolt head design for precise saddle adjustment
  • Endless possibilities for customization

Telescopic Seatpost 34.9 :

  • Made for shorter and taller riders, ranging from 150 to 195 cm (4'9" to 6'4")
  • Compatible with 34.9 mm seat tubes
  • Dual bolt head design for the saddle positioning that's best for you
  • Tool-free clamp for zero-fuss and quick height adjustment

Telescopic Seatpost 33.9 : 

Our Telescopic Seatpost™ extends to offer a more comfortable fit for both shorter and taller riders, and retracts to make your folded bike even more compact. It is compatible with 33.9 mm seat tubes, and features a dual-bolt head design for precise saddle adjustment.
The Telescopic Seatpost™ is the ideal upgrade for Verge and Link bikes with a 33.9 mm seat tube: it extends 90 mm longer than our stock seatpost, and is 120 mm shorter when retracted. 

Telescopic Seatpost 34.9 :

We want you to be able to share your Quick Haul Long with your family (and that one friend eager for a test ride), but some may be either too short or too tall. If you notice this, know that our Telescopic Seatpost offers a fitting solution. Its extended height range caters to both shorter and taller riders, ensuring a comfortable ride from start to finish.

Color(s) Black

33.9 mm: 340 × 80 × 55 mm (13.4 × 3.1 × 2.2 in)

34.9 mm: 340 × 80 × 55 mm (13.4 × 3.1 × 2.2 in)


33.9 mm: 0.71 kg (1.57 lb) 

34.9 mm: 0.48 kg (1.1 lb)

Load Capacity n/a
Volume Capacity n/a
Compatible Bikes Compatibility Checker
Compatible Items Biologic Aria Saddle 
Porter+ Saddle
Saddles with standard 7 mm rails
Material Aluminum